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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I download PanicKiller?

Panic Killer is available on both App Store and Google Play Store.

Is PanicKiller free?

Everything is free. Even if we charge, we make sure free users can take the most out of our apps.

Can I use PanicKiller on different advices?

Yes, you can. The data synchronisation just launches in our current version.

How does PanicKiller handle my privacy?

All information are private and will not share to us. They are currently saved locally and encrypted in HMAC-256 protocol. However, we will update privacy rules from time to time and it only applies if you accept it.

Find out more information by reading the privacy policy.

How do I learn more information about PanicKiller?

Please follow us in social media. We are actively updating posts there. Instagram ,Facebook and X

I have issues using PanicKiller

Feel free to contact us in email orcontact us through website portal and we'll help you out as soon as we can. Or you can drop messages to us in social medias.

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